Thursday, August 03, 2006

Excuse me while I fall into this book

"I'm taking a time out from everything to dive into Terry Goodkind's Phantom which just arrived fresh from Amazon directly into my grubby little hands along with a copy of Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys. Which was on sale in hard back which brought my grand total to 25.96 which makes it eligible for free shipping and handling! Yay! Took 9 days to from the time I ordered it till it arrived. Not to bad Amazon!

Yes, I'm a reader of epic fantasy novels which tells you my level of geekdom. My calendar is marked off by release dates of authors that I follow, the next book on my list is Dzur by Steven Brust which comes out on the 8 th of this month. Wow, that's in a couple of days. The other epic fantasy readers in the squadron have been coming by just to touch Phantom which is sort of funny now that I think about it. "
Doc in the Box
Oh that evil empire! How dare they have "free shipping", don't you see, it's just a trick to get you to buy more books. "We" all know that you don't need to read those book, those book have not been "pre approved" by the party, and all this world wide shipping is just another imperialist, capitalist trick to draw you away from the "truth" that we have available for you here, locally, for just a small "fee".

Just think you could be relaxing under a nice unspoild, palm tree, during your break from your "voluntary" sugarcane field work, reading only what we allow you to read. That stuff your getting from those evil doers over at Amazon will only pollute your mind and cloud your vision of our perfect society. After which you may require "voluntary" re-education just to try to undo that self inflicted mental wound.

Next thing you know you'll want to try some KFC or heavens forbid a Quarter Pounder with cheese, after which there will be no hope for you at all.

Not to worry Doc, I'm just ranting this has noting at all to do with you.


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