Thursday, August 03, 2006

Story of a Freedom Fighter

"This is a translation from Lebanese newspaper Al-Diyar (banned recently in few “democratic” Arab counties), disturbing information for westerners is the editor of Al-Diyar, and writer of this article is a Christian.

From the eyes of the sun they emerge… from the face of the moon… they are southerners… the Lebanese people are all southerners today, hearing, reading and seeing the combative battles which “God’s men” in Mount Amil are recording in the book of Lebanon. They are men who are speaking through their arms and hearts that protect the homeland’s shield… Certainly the Zionist enemy and its supporters and those who back its aggression, were unaware of the identity of those whom they were fighting… Are they “angels?” Are they “ghosts?” No, I swear to God, said a fierce fighter, we are men among the believers who have been true to their covenant with God, and completed their vow (to the extreme).”:'
Baghdad Dweller
Sounds like standard propaganda to me.
Really not sure what the faith of the writer matters?


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