Thursday, August 03, 2006

Turkey Stops Iranian Fighters at Border

Turkish authorities have prevented 50 Iranian students from crossing the border, AFP reported.
The students announced last week they were heading to Lebanon as volunteers, to help Hizbullah fight the Israeli army.

Quoting the Iranian Fars news agency, the report said the students were stopped at the border. After waiting for five days at the border, they demonstrated outside the Turkish embassy, demanding to be allowed entry.

The students protested against what they called an alliance between Turkey and “the Zionists.”

The students, calling themselves the Student Movement for Justice, climbed onto two trucks in Tehran last week and headed for the Iranian-Turkish border. They were hoping to enter Lebanon through Turkey and Syria, and help Hizbullah fight Israel.

The students previously said that if they would not be allowed to enter Turkey in vehicles, they would enter on foot.

One of the students said most of the group members had written their wills before leaving and were ready to sacrifice their lives. They had not undergone military training, he said, but were told Hizbullah would train them for a week once they reached Lebanon.

This is reportedly the second group of Iranians who are heading to Lebanon to help Hizbullah. Last month, the Mehr news agency said 27 Iranians belonging to the Martyrs of Islam World Movement (MIWM) reached Syria.

The organization was formed in 2005 and has since recruited some 55,000 volunteers.

Lebanese Forces

You know when I tried to copy this page, it told me that "This Page is fully Protected". That's right this page is as protected as Lebanon is. "Fully"
Full of shit I think is more like it.


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