Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thank you for the call

What a difference from yesterday, you may remember that I reported yesterday in my post Why Me how the public had responded to the republican Senator, on C-SPAN morning call in show Washington Journal. Today we have Sen. Byron Dorgan (D) talking about his book ("Take This Job And Ship It").
The difference is just astonishing, people are bitching, asking "what are you going to do" but they are not "accusing" like they were yesterday, they're asking questions and voicing their complaint. But those complaint don't seem directed at the senator, or the democratic party, but more at like why they have not done more to block the republican agenda. And bitching about democratic support of NAFTA and the like. But it's just not personal or vindictive like it was yesterday.

Talking about yesterdays show, anyone think that it had anything to do with Rummys change of heart about today's hearing? Anyone but me think that yesterdays show set off the alarm bells at the administration and they told Rummy to get his ass out in front of the camera? You'll also notice that he was at last nights Pentagon press briefing. Coincidence? I think not.


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