Thursday, August 03, 2006

Diss'ed by Juan Cole's "Informed Comment"

"Juan Cole's "Informed Comment" website has a constantly negative portayal of Israel in the current conflict with Hizballah. So I guess I'm only slightly frustrated when he refuses to post my comments indicating a different perspective.

A friend of mine recently introduced me to Juan Cole's blog site, Informed Comment. It is certainly interesting, in that it has a largely different perspective than I do on what is happening in the Middle East. I have learned something from it, or at least been incented to do more research on Israel's history and the background of Middle Eastern conflict."
Serving the People of Iraq and Iran
Join the club. Cole's blog is what it is, and Cole makes sure of that.

I think that when you get to know and love Dr. Cole like many of us who have been reading Informed Comment from the beginning of this war you will understand why I replaced the picture you used of Cole with the one we use and which has been permanently affixed in our mind.

The image credit is to CMAR II from Iraq Bloggers Central which is posted there on the side bar, search that sight with the words "Ferret Face" for the pictures original usage.


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