Thursday, August 03, 2006

Turkey Launches Limited Incursion Into Iraq

"On July 19, I noted that Turkey was making noise about launching a unilateral cross-border incursion into Iraq to engage the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) in combat operations. The situation had become so serious that Turkey warned both the U.S. and Iraqi ambassadors that its patience with continued PKK presence in Iraq was wearing thin. On July 25, Turkey and the U.S. entered an agreement designed to prevent such unilateral intervention by increasing the two countries' cooperation against the PKK. Late last week, Turkey launched its first reported incursion into Iraq. Zaman Online reported on July 28:...

...Expect to see further Turkish incursions into Iraq -- coordinated with the United States if not carried out in conjunction with U.S. troops -- over the coming weeks and months."
Counterterrorism Blog
Big Mistake, we are sure to pay dearly for this, if it gets out of hand. Pray this is being coordinated with Kurdish approval and participation.


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