Thursday, August 03, 2006

GI Says Soldiers Ordered to Kill Iraqis

TIKRIT, Iraq (AP) -- A U.S. soldier testified Wednesday that members of his squadron accused of murdering three Iraqis had received orders to kill all the insurgents they encountered during a raid on an island suspected to harbor al-Qaida members.

Pfc. Bradley Mason said that orders to "kill all of them" were clear prior to the raid that ended in the deaths of the three male detainees. He was testifying during a hearing in Tikrit to decide whether soldiers will be court-martialed for murder.

The alleged slayings May 9 near Samarra, 60 miles north of Baghdad, have dealt another blow to the reputation of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and fueled anger against the coalition presence.

U.S. soldiers and Marines have been accused of a string of civilian deaths in Iraq, including the alleged massacre of dozens in Haditha. Another hearing is scheduled this weekend for soldiers allegedly involved in the rape and killing of a 14-year-old girl. Four soldiers are accused in the death and a fifth of failing to report the crime.

Mason said the brigade commander, Col. Michael Steele, told nearly 1,000 soldiers before the raid that the area was considered "hot" and they should be prepared for fire.

"He (Steele) just said that the rules of engagement were that we get to kill all the male insurgents," said Mason, who was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony.

"Kill all of them," Mason quoted Steele as saying.

The four accused soldiers initially said the detainees were killed because they tried to escape, but military prosecutors now say they were let loose then shot.

Mason testified that Spc. William B. Hunsaker threatened him a day after the alleged killings. He said he was accosted three weeks later by Staff Sgt. Raymond L. Girouard and Pfc. Corey R. Clagett as he was on his way to discuss the raid with the Criminal Investigation Division.

Mason said Girouard warned him: "If you say anything, I'll kill you."

Girouard, Hunsaker, Clagett and Spc. Juston R. Graber are accused of murder and other offenses in the shooting deaths. The first three are also accused of obstruction of justice for allegedly threatening to kill Mason, the prosecution's leading witness.

The accused soldiers and Mason are members of the Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.

At least one of the soldiers charged with murder has said that Steele's orders for the day were to "kill all military-aged males." Several witnesses testified about slight variations to the order, including restricting soldiers to kill only those who showed "no signs of surrender."

Cpt. Jason Sienko, the company commander, said Steele's rules for the mission - dubbed Operation Iron Triangle - were not nearly as sweeping as some of the accused soldiers have alleged.

He said Steele asked them to make sure "we have well-aimed shots. Make sure we're killing the people that need to be killed."

Steele has invoked his right not to testify - the military equivalent of the 5th Amendment, which protects a witness from self-incrimination.



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