Wednesday, August 02, 2006

re: "Victory? No, Not Victory. Begun WW III Has"

"Hat tip to Howie at The Jawa Report for this.

Money quote(s):

"We have war on many fronts and no one has actually declared war on anyone."

"The only ones with enough gall to actually declare war are terrorist organizations who have declared war worldwide. This is often dismissed as the ranting of Islamic terrorists, but they mean what they say."


"WW III will begin on Thursday August 3rd at 8:00 pm EDT 7:00 pm central. Check your local listings. The time between 9/11 2001 and then shall be known as, “The events leading up to WW III.” Even though we all know it’s the same damn thing.""
Consul At Arms
I have no idea? If you ask me it started with Turkeys invasion of Kurdistan, but that seems to have been forestalled.

And you just cant resist the title


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