Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Dirty Game...

"Although I didnt really wanna divulge deep into politics, I guess I need to provide some answers to many of the comments I got regarding my last post...First off I do not accept any person insulting another in the comments section on my blog....Secondly, whoever called me a moron, I wanna thank you for you made me laugh, am serious... I was in need of some laughter, so Thanx....

Now lets get into the nitty gritty...People have to understand that theres a fine line between what people define terrorism and what people see as self defense...The daily killing of Iraqis is a terrorism act...The Qana massacre is a terrorism act... 911 was a terrorism act...Oklahoma bombing was a terrorism act...Any killing of any kind that involves innocent people going victims IS A TERRORISM ACT... Had the scene been reversed and the shelter was in Israel, I probably would have reacted the same way but maybe with less ferver...Most of the victims in Lebanon that were killed were innocent people and not Hizbollah militia..."


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