Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cyber-Terrorism Breaking Out Over War in Lebanon

"During the height of the "cartoon jihad," I posted about cyber-terrorist attacks on pro-Danish and anti-terrorist websites, including ours (see my posts here and here). Now the cyber-terrorists and their political backers are predictably going into action over the Israel-Hezbollah war in Lebanon. Zone-H reported yesterday and last week, when US government sites and a Microsoft site was attacked. Yesterday's report really sounded the alarm: "Hundreds of web sites have been attacked in last days as a protest against bombing attacks by Israel against Lebanon.The largest part of web intrusions were defacements - web intrusion at any level by which a web page is replaced by the attacker’s message - against Israeli and U.S. web sites." Zone-H noted that the attacks are coming not just from Muslim areas, but from politically motivated non-Muslims expressing their protest by hacking and defacing websites. I'll come back to this issue in future posts."
Counterterrorism Blog
Well if anyone wants to express their views on this blog, they should read the Mission Statement.


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