Friday, November 02, 2007

To Whom it may Concern:

It as recently been brought to my attention that some people think that the milbloggers that you see featured here on a daily basis submit their own material and/or post the milblog links that appear here on TFW.
I only wish it were so.

But no, the milblog links that appear here at This Fucking War are the sole responsibility of madtom. I read and choose which milblogs, and which post from the individual milblogs to carry here.

The actual milbloggers, deployed to the war zone, play no role whatsoever in the choice of material that appear here on the pages of This Fucking War, and in most cases, may not even be aware of the existence of this little blog. Only those milblogs that appear as direct links on the sidebar can be said to have any prior knowledge of the existence of this blog, and even those milblogs linked directly to this blog by the sidebar links, have no input whatsoever in the content that appear on the pages here.

Their only mistake was placing a link to this blog on their sidebar.

I hope that this message can clear up any misunderstanding that might have existed in the minds of some people.

That said, if any milblogger would like to send me material and/or post blogs here, they are welcome to do so, and should consult the Mission Statement posted on the sidebar for instructions.

To allay any fears, "people" should be aware that any material so acquired will me clearly marked as such.

Thank you for your attention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

homeless disabled veterean try to call uncle sam for a MAYDAY!! in your state or even wash.d.c. GOOD LUCK SEE WHAT YOU GET spider web effect of stupidity THANK YOU UNCLE SUGAR WAKE UP AMERICA!!! I think its to late!!

10:50 AM  

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