Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Muslim Brotherhood takes up Arms---in support of Hizbullah

"Last night, al-Arabia TV (Dubai) reported that a new Sunni Jihadi front has been established in Lebanon, named The Islamic Action Front (Jabhat al-Amal al-Islami). According to Muslim World News (MWN), Fathi Yakan, a follower of Sayyid Qutb, is believed to be the main establisher of the new Front, which brings together major Sunni organizations from all parts of Lebanon (which altogether include several thousand members), aiming to “fill an existing gap” and “create an authoritative body for the Sunnis in Lebanon”, that will “work in co-operation with the other authoritative bodies”. Yakan further stated the Front’s commitment to all aspects of Jihad, including its military side, and its willingness to fight alongside Hizbullah."
Counterterrorism Blog
Now we know where that Saudi money went too. Where the Hell is Condi? Where the fuck is Bush? How stupid are these people.

I am telling you this war will never end.

I know one thing for sure, is that it will never end if they keep sending money. Stop sending money, send economic help instead. I might just have to start an NGO, one dedicated to taking peoples money and turning it into economic development. Send WallMart, send in factories, send in warehouses for shipping companies and UPS, but never, never send anyone money ever again.


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