Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The In T View: Israeli Bloggers On The Israeli - Hezb'allah/Lebanon Conflict: Eliesheva from Lizrael Update

"In this In T View we present a young Israeli blogger Eliesheva from Merkaz, Israel who does a fine job at Lizrael Update, and is just about to get married. We wish Eliesheva the best of luck on her upcoming nuptials.

MG: How does your routine or perception change during a crisis like this? Do you become a news junky, call frequently to check on your family members and friends, worry a lot, spend more time with your loved ones?

Eliesheva: I became a news junky. I craved family time. I thought about it consistantly and it interfered with my focus at work and at playtime. At least at first I did. I think Israelis know they need to fight for their survival, they need to protect their lives, and they need life to go on..."
IBC ~Mister Ghost


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