Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Gorak: Blocking Position

"We had sat in place for over twenty-four hours. Using the vehicles as an escape from the heat and the sun, the Canadian soldiers tucked themselves into the seats and crew areas in an attempt to remain cool. Empty water bottles were piled in the open on the desert floor along side of the now torn cardboard boxes in which they were packed. Water is life here, the discarded plastic bottles sitting as a reminder of the fine line between success and failure.
The waiting is the most difficult, even more than the heat. With the pulse of intensity from the previous morning's raid still flowing through these soldier's veins, the order to shave, given from the visiting senior staff, sparked emotions and frustration. "We haven't even been thanked for yesterday's success, but there's time to tell us to shave," were the words from one of the A Company, Red Devils, 2d Platoon soldiers. The discontent continued to be voiced as the day progressed."
KGW Afghanistan Blog
So many good pictures in this post, I had to toss a dime.


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