Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Frustration With This "Middle East Peace" Nonsense Continutes:

"Hamas and Hizbullah (and you really have to address both in this context) can cetainly be destroyed as organized entities. You eliminate the leadership, you destroy thier ability to arm themselves and attack you, and you dry up their funding: they will go away for good.

But when you talk about eliminating anti-semitism: it will never happen. Jews have been persecuted since at least the time of the ancient Egyptians. We're talking thousands of years.

You would have to equate the elimination of anti-semitism to the wiping out of all predjudices. We all know that there will ALWAYS be white supremacists, there will always be people who think their race is better than other peoples'. It's human nature to hate (and I use that term very loosely here) things that they are not familiar with or do not understand. That's just the way things are. We will never, ever live in a world where people of all different colors and races will get along in complete harmony. It's a pipe dream."
Tanker Brothers


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