Thursday, August 03, 2006

Marine's signing bonus, Cuban style

OMG What a disturbing video they just showed on TV, (America TV channel 41 news) it's Raul telling a sort of joke about his youth.

Raul and some friends are watching what looks like a private parade of female solders in full dress with those white parade rifles, marching in formation in rows of about four or five abreast. As the last girl passes by, Raul walks out to the girl and runs his hand over her head from behind, and says something to her that's inaudible, laughs, and then turns back to his friends.

He start's telling them of a time when he had to confessed to a catholic priest from his all boy catholic school that after seeing a girl through a window, he later that night had masturbated. They all laugh at the penitence he received from the priest, then he looks off to one side, point at someone, and roughly in the direction of the column of marching girls now in the distance, and tells what must have been a Marine officer, "now, your Marine's don't have to masturbate themselves".

How foul to think that the female Cuban soldiers are used as prostates for the male soldiers.

How foul, that could have been my sister.

Forced sex slaves, that's how they use women in the Cuban military.

It don't look good at all for Cuba's future with Raul in charge. Not at all.


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