Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

"he Iraqi Prime Minister is visiting America these days, for talks with the American administration about the Iraqi affairs, and how to pull the country out of the chaos and the mess that is drowning it, since the American war upon us in 2003, till now…
I saw president Bush giving a speech. I have heard so many speeches and empty talk that has nothing to do with reality, that I stood for short moments to listen, then I went out of the room. It was the same rigid address in the minds of the American administration's members; who do not read reality, but only repeat what is in their minds, which is usually as far as can be from truth, and as near as can be to their personal interests…
Did you ever meet a kind of person to whom you tell a story, or complain about some sort of problem, then look at him, only to find him absent minded in another world, then, he would turn to you to give you remarks and deductions which have nothing to do whatsoever with what you were talking about?
This is how it is to talk with most of the American administration's members, and most of the American Congress members."
A Family in Baghdad


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