Friday, January 18, 2008

The New Iraqi Flag

"The recent development in Iraqi parliamentary hell was the second major attempt to pass up a change for the Iraqi flag an national anthem, after the major failure of the 2004 attempt. As suspected, the instigators of this move is yet again, our lovely northern brothers, the Kurds. As a minor compromise solution, an interim design will be approved until a final decision will be made on the final flag and the new national anthem a year later, details are still hazy, and numerous suggested interim flags have appeared on the net, but most prominently the one that only changes the phrase "Allah Akbar" to yellow, the traditional color of the Kurds."
Konfed Kid
"1. your absolute intolerance of Arabism or Iraqism.""

There's that word again.

Funny how the Kurds are expected to be part of an Arab entity within "Iraq", but Arabs, have no compulsion to think of "Iraq", as part Kurd.

Kid's got more loyalties with the greater Arab world, than with the Kurds, "his brothers", that actually make up a large sector, 17%*, of the people in Iraq. better know to Kid as, the " footnotes, or margins,".

Welcome to Iraq.


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