Monday, January 14, 2008

Iraq Makes Country Music Make Sense

"So that is actually something I mentioned to my family while I was on leave, since coming to Iraq I've begun listening to country music far more than I did in the states. When I was state side Country Music was one of the last genres I'd listen to, but here in all makes sense.

Maybe it's the situations they sing about, mostly American troubles caused by American culture. Perhaps it's that Country music is so uniquely American? Everywhere you go in the world (including the middle east) you'll find rock bands, love ballads, rap...but have you ever heard a sound come from another country that made you think "Hey, that sounds like Country music in Swahili!". I think not. It's music that reminds you of home, even if you can't stand the twang in the voice, and how the singer goes on about how his girl left him, his cat ate his dog, and his grandmother stole his reminds you of the uniqueness of home and the country you belong to. My opinion anyways."
False Motivation


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