Friday, September 08, 2006

The Iraqi Flag and The Kurdish Factor

"While Iraq continues to suffer daily bombing and death, I can't believe Iraqi politicians ignore these important issues. Instead, they decide to argue over the flag. How nice!!!

It's freaking sad to see the Kurds making this an issue. They claim they suffered under the Iraqi flag. That murder was committed under the Iraqi flag, which they associate with the Baathists and Saddam's regime. May I ask who in Iraq didn't suffer under Saddam's reign? How come the Shia who were slaughtered by Saddam's forces in 1991 don't mind the flag?

All Iraqis suffered and still suffer from the Iraqi governments that ruled Iraq since 1968. This suffering has nothing to do with the flag. As Zappy said, "This is our flag, by “our” I mean the people of the Republic of Iraq, a flag is the pride of ones nation.""
Fayrouz in Beaumont
I am glad that others are taking up this issue. The other day I was going to start an argument with my Kurdish friends. I was not about the flag, not even about Iraq, it was with my PKK supporting friends, and about their "peace document", well needless to say it's something that I could not support, for many of the same reasons that you see here with the flag issue. Their complaint might be true, but they are not the only ones that suffered. They should look to build institutions that will protect all people, not just themselves, because by doing it in a selfish way, they are really hiding behind a thin veil of dictatorship which they are tying to build. Not the freedom which they seem to put forward. If it's really a movement to be free, then all should be included, and it should not be about me, and what happened to us Kurds, but about all of us, and what they did to us all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems pretty simple to me--Kurds do not trust Arabs and for very good reason, if the history I have read bears any resemblance to the truth.

7:43 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

I don't think anyone has given the Kurds a fair shake.

4:07 PM  

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