Thursday, September 07, 2006


"DEEDS, NOT WORDS....As near as I can tell, virtually every commentator agrees that George Bush's decision yesterday to release 14 prisoners from CIA prisons and transfer them to Guantanamo was timed for political reasons. As Ronald Brownstein points out, he's hoping to recreate the great Department of Homeland Security triumph of 2002, where he deliberately inserted into the bill some union-busting features Democrats would object to so that he could then go out on the campaign trail and claim that Democrats were "more interested in special interests in Washington and not interested in the security of the American people.""
Political Animal


Blogger madtom said...

Ahh, but it begs the question, Will. Do we fight the war with Politics, or do we fight the politics with wars?

9:56 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Yeah sure, maybe it's because no one wants to lose this war, and this administration is doing it's darned to lose, or to at least stretch it out as far as they can to get the most political traction out of it. Remember Bush One. Well Bush Two does.

By the way check out the new book I posted, makes you think. Even I need to rethink to take this book into consideration. But how much you want to bet the administration will not think or consider.

7:38 PM  

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