Wednesday, September 06, 2006


"I feel the need to opine about all this hullaballoo about the Kurdistan flag.

It seems that the fiasco began back on the first of September, when Masûd Barzanî ordered the removal of the Iraqi national flag from Kurdistan government buildings, to be replaced by the Kurdistan flag. Since then, everyone's been getting into the act, Arabs, Turks, Americans, to criticize the flying of the flag of Kurdistan.

Leave it to a bunch of ignoramuses.

If anyone had actually bothered to travel to South Kurdistan (that's the part of Kurdistan that ignoramuses habitually refer to as "Iraqi" Kurdistan or, as I prefer to call it, Iraqi-occupied Kurdistan) recently, they would have noticed that there are no Iraqi national flags flying in Dohuk and Hewlêr Governorates. At least, if they had been paying the slightest bit of attention, they would have noticed this. Those are KDP-controlled areas, and no one flies the Iraqi national flag there. Instead, the Kurdish tri-color, with its bold sun, is everywhere. Even the mountains are draped with the Kurdistan flag, as if they were dressed with huge red, yellow, and green cloaks."


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