Thursday, September 07, 2006

Did Clinton Create Terrorists?

"A controversial campaign by members of the Clinton administration against the ABC miniseries, “The Path to 9/11," has raised important questions about the handling of terrorism issues in the years prior to the attacks on the U.S. The film apparently portrays Clinton's people as, among other things, fumbling their chances to capture Osama bin Laden. (ABC has received some 25,000 angry letters about the show from Clinton supporters who have yet to see it.) But Clinton's alleged failures in responding to terrorist threats are only one of the issues regarding pre-9/11 policies that remain unresolved and even unexamined."


Blogger madtom said...

It's not about the nine months or the eight years. It's telling, very telling that at this point "you guys" have nothing better but to start blaming Clinton again. You would think that at this point you would have a better argument, but no. All you can do is harp back to your old sure bet that blaming Clinton will help you all cover up your failure.

Just last night I turned on the radio to find a new show, something called Mark lavin, or something. What a hack, all he said was Blowjob Clinton, that's you people have left in your bag of tricks, and now you want to blame Clinton for the sanctions. In one moment your saying he did nothing and with the next your saying what he did was wrong?? You cant have it both ways, either he did something or he did the wrong shit, but not both.

9:50 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well I'll grant you one thing, that letter from the Dems in congress threatening ABC's license is out of order. But I will say it's a by product of the Bush administration. Hell it's no worse that secret prisons or wire taps. But wrong none the less in my book.

I mean who do they think they are going to fool, the people that will believe such crap are the ones that already believe any thing that is against the Dem's. The rest of us are going to see crap like that and file it where it belongs. I for one never even saw that More movie, but if I did I doubt I would come away thinking what a cool dude saddam was! I would take a lot more than a movie.

7:30 PM  

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