Friday, September 08, 2006

First, They Took Our Horse Meat ...

"Thanks to the brave passage of the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, the House of Representatives has proven it is more than a cesspool of criminals that never manages to do any legislating.
Today, the House voted 263-146 to ban the slaughtering of American horses for food. Some 90,000 horses are turned into horsemeat every year.

And even though we eat millions of slaughtered cows and pigs every year, we don’t like to eat horses. (Terrorists love to eat horses, so all U.S. horsemeat is exported to Europe and Asia.)"
What do you mean "we" don't eat horse meat! who are these people, we surly do eat it. But that is besides the point. I thought this was a pro business, smaller government republican congress, and now they outlaw food, what next? Sex and air?

What is wrong with these people, are they on drugs, why would they outlaw something that no one was complaining about, something that was not bothering anyone. It's hard for me to even begin to understand this nonsense. Let's just hope that the Senate is sober when this comes up and does away with this nonsense.

I would hate to believe that it's all part of the Houses anti-immigrant agenda, but I don't know what to think.

Tasajo recipe (Cuban style beef jerky)

I guess we will have to go the contraband rout to get the good stuff, or like most products, buy them from a foreign vendor.

I say republicans are dangerous, and should not even be trusted with your food.

Throw the bums out.


Blogger madtom said...

If there was a market for dog and cat I see no reason to not too. But of course we are talking about animals bread for the butcher, not road kill. Though I did hear about a program somewhere were road kill was used to feed the hungry.

Let me tell you about Cuba, there are no stray cats left.

A story from right here in Miami, back in the 80's before the boat lift, all the canals in the city had ducks, people would stop and feed the ducks, it's was like a family outing to drive down to the local canal and throw bread crumbs at the ducks which would all come right up to you, they had no fear of people. Guess what happen right in 81, right after the boat lift? The Cubans that had just arrived did not know that those friendly, easy to catch ducks were for feeding, not eating. Needless to say people assimilate and all the lakes canals and ponds are again populated with ducks and swans.

3:18 PM  

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