Friday, September 08, 2006

The Mind of an Iraqi Man...

"It was the journey from hell...My first stop was Amsterdam...The security there was pretty tight...At the gate of the airline they take everyone individually and interview them...My turn came up and the lady looked at my passport...Asked me a few basic questions then she said, why do you have a British passport???I lived there for almost 12 years...Why did you go to Jordan???I was there on R&R...Why did you go to Kuwait???We were demobilizing from Baghdad...What about Egypt???It was a vacation...Your passport is very interesting, you have been to many different places...Yup, my R&R's...Your husband is Iraqi???Yes but he is a US citizen...She left me standing there for a few minutes then returned and asked me about who packed the bag, if I had electronics there and if I was carrying any liquids...So far not bad...She is clear she shouted...Good to go..."
Welcome to the USA.

Don't mind the door man, they are contracted to the lowest bidder...
Are you here to stay or just passing thru?


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