Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sistani Fatwa on Qana

"The fatwa by Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani condemning Israel for the Qana massacre and threatening the United States with consequences if it continued to block a ceasefire has now been published at Sistani's web site in Arabic. I had commented on it yesterday. Below is my translation of it.
A communique issued by Sayyid Sistani.

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

Among a series of its continuous attacks on dear Lebanon committed by the forces of the Israeli enemy, today came a new massacre in the wounded town of Qana, in which dozens of innocents perished, a scene of the utmost ugliness and horror.

Words are insufficient to condemn this dastardly crime that appears to have been committed by perons devoid of all human values and principles. Even the women and children in shelters were not safe from them.

The scale of the tragedy that has befallen Lebanon is a result of the continuous Israeli attacks, which have reached the point where patience can no longer bear more. It is not possible to stand with folded hands before them. The international community must take the intitiative to impose an immediate ceasefire and to halt this horrific tragedy.

The Muslim world and all peace-loving people will not excuse the parties that put obstacles in the way of this. There will be severe consequences in the entire region.

30 July 2006"
Juan Cole


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