Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Love the smell of outboard motor smoke in the morning

I woke up this morning to the sound of outboard motors, not sure if it means anything or not, but if sort of a funny coincidence that on this day, the first day of the rest of Cuban history people would be firing up their boats.

The TV is telling people not to attempt to travel to Cuba, they say the Coast Guard will stop any boat trying to make the crossing. But what if there is a mass exodus from the island, what if the Cubans see this as their best chance to get away and start moving off the island on anything that will float?

I think that it obvious that the prudent thing to do is to wait to see what happens, information is still very sketchy and no one knows for sure what is happening on the island or if castro really survived, or if he has survived in just what condition he's in.

I think it's beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can not allow a new regime to take hold on the island, but what the best way to guarantee a transition is not clear to me right now. My emotional side tells me to catch a ride on the next boat, and I have already started thinking of calling my shrimper friends to see what they are up too.
But the rational side is tugging at me, it keeps telling me to be patient to allow this to play itself out to keep cool that if there is an opportunity that it will show itself in due time.

So at the moment I don't know what to do. I think that for now the best thing to is keep my ear to the ground and watch to see this play itself out. I think I need a shower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like the smell of gas, napalm, and the sound of heavymetal in a crisp August morning!

12:57 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I've decided to let providence decided for me, I'm cooking a big pot of arroz con pollo, if it burns, oh well, and it usually does.

1:56 PM  

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