Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"a sign from God"

""it's a sign from God, a signal that He loves us, and that He considers that we have learnt the lesson He taught us".
Those were the words of a friend of mine describing the amazing sunrise in el Malecon.
He went even further:
"this light is the light of freedom, nothing will be the same in this country".
I warned him that the prudent thing to do is to confirm whatever is being said in the rumor mill, before thinking that the dictator is gone, and then have the surprise of a recovery. He was, too, skeptic at the beginning of the evening, yesterday. But then he said: "this animal is a control freak, he would not have relinquished power onto his useless brother if he weren't in real bad shape, or maybe he's already dead and all his "guatacas" (Habanero for sycophants) didn't know what to do and put that drunkard of raul to front the store"."


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