Tuesday, August 01, 2006


After a night of transatlantic craziness, I was able to get some info out of Spain and Germany (through a USA military base) .

NO ONE knows for sure if the prick is dead, what is SURE is that this did not happen yesterday. It happened about 4 days ago and he was treated (based on medical practice) with drugs while they pumped a transfusion into him ( this is the BY THE BOOK treatment on gastrointestinal bleeding ) you NEVER go and CUT first and that is left as a last recourse especially on someone 80 years old.

So apparently the first step did not work and they had to cut.
Any sudden bleeding of the rectum (or vomiting blood) just renders the individual totally incapable of any coherent action, because the blood has already made its way into organs and organic stuff (like SHIT or gastric juices) have made their way into the blood.

Under this state KaSStro could NOT have written that document and he CERTAINLY did NOT sign it. The apparatik is already saying the signature looks “strange” because he was very weak… (Yeah but he was able to dictate the document?)

Foreign doctor were NOT called (VERY WEIRD and points to the gravity of the issue, maybe there was NOTHING a foreign doc could’ve done, or the lackies just decided to manage the whole thing themselves so they would control EVERYTHING including whether they will let him live or not.

Now Radio Bemba –

This AM a mid size American flag was found draped over the outside wall of the USIS . Of course the USIS did NOT do this , it was the YOUTH of HABANA CLAMORING for the USA to step in and the symbolism is “ The American flag flies in HABANA”
The police guarding at the USIS did not take it down waiting for a bunch of miltray Jeeps to come in and take it down, immediately they went into the USIS and were inside talking with the diplomats for over an hour.

The streets are being divided into three factions

1) The OLD guard (people in their 60 +) they want Raul , These people still believe in the “revolution”. These were people who fought and BOUGHT the whole LIBERATION bullshit hook line and sinker.

2) The LAGE people. These are people under 60. These still are anti American but they want the government to at least open up a free enterprise model within the mold of lets say China. Freer communications and more pluraility in the form of government including multi party elections

3) The YOUNG people 20 – 40 These people want the USA to come in. These guys want PERIOD!
Cuba to annex to the USA . They are not willing to go through a reconstruction process . they lived the “PERIDO SPECIAL” and they feel they paid their dues. These people have pulled out anything they can find with a USA flag and are blatantly wearing it in the streets.

4) There have been no massive round ups , and in fact the police is being QUITE tentative as to how to enforce the law. For some weird reason , La Habana has not suffered any black outs and is pretty much illuminated. Logic dictates they fear a black out could give the crowds a sense of protection and shit will hit the fan.

5) Fidelito has MOVED out of his very public residence in MIRAMAR with all his family. Of course to be near “daddy”.

6) Foreign press is being kept in total dark and are being corralled with absolubtly no access to the people.

So there you have it . Communications with the island via ANYTHING are damn near impossible. The best way is for someone with a cell and an SMS account , phone or emails are very limited NOT for over usage but by design.

As we get anything more we will post it !

I hope Charlie don't mind I post this in full so everyone reads it, it's the most news anywhere about the current situation. I am beginning to think that if the people see a flotilla off the shore they will know that got their back and will be more willing to show their true beliefs.


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