Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Iraq records a critically endangered bird

"One of the rarest birds in the world, the Northern Bald Ibis has been satellite tracked to extreme western Iraq during its migration south from the breeding grounds of the tiny remenant population of 13 birds in Syria (discovered in 2002) to Yemen. The name of the male bird tracked through Iraq is Salam (Peace). Hopefully, this name will be prophetic for both the birds and Iraq.

The bird was recorded in Iraq on the morning of July 18th having flown 207 km from its breeding grounds in Palmyra, Syria since the day before. The bird is currently in Western Yemen along with two other tagged birds.

The fact that there are more Northern Bald Ibis in capitivity than in the wild highlights their tenuous hold. Another small wild population exists in Morocco.'
Birding Babylon
I just want to go on the record, that even though I despise the tactic of Senate republicans in passing this bill.
I support S.3711 a bill to open up gas and oil production in the Gulf of Mexico. I urge the Senate to pass this bill.

I think it represents a descent compromise an it's a good bill for Florida, and our environment. I urge the passage of this bill.

There I said it.


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