Friday, August 04, 2006


"The events described below by BBC correspondent John Simpson are the events you will see on the video. If you are squeamish, it might be better to stick with the text version that I tracked down and posted for your convenience, because the video is a graphic of a very serious business. In fact, it don't get any more serious than this.

Many of you may remember that during Operation Iraqi Freedom there was a friendly fire incident in which the Americans bombed their own Special Forces, along with Wajî Barzanî and some of his pêşmerge bodyguards. There just happened to be a BBC film crew along for what turned out to be a very wild ride. I remember seeing a commercial on the BBC World Service satellite channel in Hewlêr on this incident last year, so when I came across the video, I knew exactly what it was about.

The BBC reporter on scene was John Simpson. Check his read of the events, which he wrote down for"


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