Friday, August 04, 2006

The Flame of Life...

"Away from politics and its dirty game, I was blog reading and I came upon BlackFive's post about 911. The idea comes from dcroe...Where 2,996 different bloggers from all over the world will pay tribute to the 2,996 victims...Each blogger will get assigned to write about a certain victim of that horrendous day...You get to research and find out about that person's life...I think its an amazing idea... If you havent signed up, I think you should...

It made me wander if its possible to do something like this for all the Iraqis that lost their lives...The question is will the info be easily accessed...Dont think so...Im sure the MOH will have the names, but will they give it out just like that??? Even if they will, which is extremely doubtful, how will we be able to find out about that person's life??? It saddens me that the hundred thousands of Iraqis that were killed during Saddams tyrant regime and are still getting killed to this present day are all anonymous...anonymous to me...But their plight...Their plight will never be forgotten...."


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