Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hezbollah using UN troops as human shields

"According to a UN Press release dated 26 July, Hezbollah forces were firing from the vicinity of of four UN positions at Alma Ash Shab, Tibnin, Brashat, and At Tiri. In another press release dated 20 July, the UN itself reports Hezbollah firing from "the immediate vicinity" of its compounds at Naqoura and Maroun al Ras. And that's just the ones that were firing. How many more Hezbollah assets are simply sitting nearby, waiting to attract Israeli fire?

Actions like this could explain why UN troops get killed by Israeli air strikes. Doubtless Hezbollah is hoping to cause the Israelis to spill UN blood, because Kofi Annan, et. al., are such reliable dupes."

Now come on your being too harsh on the UN, I have it from a good source that the UN had been out there all day scolding hisballah, they said the UN had been waving fingers, and had almost raised their voices, so harsh was their disapproval of Hizbollahs actions. Give these poor guys a break their doing everything they can.


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