Wednesday, July 26, 2006

War preparations disguised as reconciliation.

"The national reconciliation initiative in Iraq is being interpreted in several manners that often reflect the perspective of rival political and religious powers but it remains a fact in my opinion that this reconciliation is not designed for the silent majority that is silently enduring the rough situation and preferred not to join this conflict.

Let me put it this way, this Hussein has no problem with that Bakir and that Omar has no problem with this Haider; we share streets and neighborhoods and markets and we marry from different sects and we work together in the hospital, office or shop.
The attempt of the sectarian parties to drag the ordinary people to the catastrophe of civil war will not appeal to the simple citizen who seeks peace by nature and let's not forget that arm-bearers and violence inciters are always a minority."
I have to agree. The violence in Lebanon is designed to oust the US from Iraq and to take down the Maliki government. I can only hope that the powers see it that way too and take the appropriate actions to minimize the effect for the enemies of freedom.


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