Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Vacation In Iraq

"Where would you rather vacation? Iraq or New Orleans the summer before Hurricane Katrina. Statistically, your life would be twice as much at risk in riding the St. Charles Steet trolley last June in New Orleans than you would be walking down a street in downtown Baghdad.

According to Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the following are the FBI statistics for violent deaths per 100,000 people in various countries and U.S. cities from 2004-2005:

Columbia ----------------------- 61.7
New Orleans (before Katrina) -- 53.1
South Africa -------------------- 49.6
Washington, DC ---------------- 45.9
Baltimore ---------------------- 37.7
Atlanta ------------------------- 34.9
Jamiaca ------------------------ 32.4
Venezuela ---------------------- 31.6
Iraq --------------------------- 25.71"


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