Tuesday, May 16, 2006


"Do people still remember the eight year war with Iran?

Most people are busy with Today’s daily events.

I met a Guy who was a POW in Iran, he was captured when he was a Lieutenant back in 1982. he was sent to a POW camp near the previous Soviet Union boarders, he was one of the luck officers that the International Committee of the Red Cross were able to register.
The stories he told me makes any humans bones shiver, the treatment the torture both physically and mentally.

He was sentenced three times to be executed because he was accused of being a trouble maker in the Iranian camp, in the three times he was blindfolded in front of the firing squad he heard the rifle cocks and the rattle of the AK-47’s when the blindfold was removed he saw his colleagues tied beside him shot dead.

In winter they used to be sprayed with water, in Summer they were deprived of water."
Where Date Palms Grow
I wonder if Raed ever heard of any of this, chances are he has but who cares when it's not about the US (the Evil Empire)


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