Tuesday, May 16, 2006

richard perle, Iraq and Iran

"I had two short talks with Richard Perle in the DC Mall. The first one was off camera, and the second one on PBS cameras.

I asked him for two things.

1- I asked him, in the name of 87% of the Iraqi people and more than half of the US people, to pull out the troops from Iraq and give Iraq back to Iraqis.
2- I asked him to stop the plans for a new war on Iran. "Don't Iraq Iran" I said. Stop meeting the "Iranian Chalabis" who are pulling the US into a new war in the Middle East.

He gave me his personal contact info and asked me to send him information about the other Iranian groups with "non-violent solutions" that I mentioned."
Raed in the Middle
Look at him there talking to Perle, why did you not try that with Saddam or some of his advisors Raed. You had to immigrate 6000 miles to the evil empire to be able to walk up to someone close to the seat of power to ask him a question. So I have a question for you. Did you like the freedom to ask your questions (without having his guards shove a bottle up your ass), and why would you not want that same freedom for the rest of the Iraqi public? What are you afraid of Raed? It must be something big when you ran 6000 miles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raed left Iraq when his brother Khallid was kidnapped and imprisoned by the US installed Iraqi government.

That is the nature of the new Iraq that people who speak out are detained (and occasionally tortured with drills and murdered) by the new regime.

It is true that in many ways the new regime is better than the old one. Saddam and his torturers were overthrown but who is going to overthrow the new torturers?

7:44 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

I'm afraid that's not true, the Jarrars had moved to their home in Jordan months before Khalid had his little adventure, Khalid was actually arrested (according to him ) for reading his brother Raed's blog from a collage library computer. The library had flagged "Raed in the Middle" as a terrorist site (again according to Khalid's story) but once he explained to the judge that he was just surfing the web, and after his mother intervened he was released unmolested. Khalid did not report being tortured in any way.

Well the new regime is in the hands of the Iraqi electorate and in the people ability to hold free and fair elections. You do understand that if the people don't participate or if they allow open fraud to tack place that their new fledgling democracy will never fly. But the old saying still stands true, you can drag a horse to water...

9:51 AM  

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