Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Glenn Beck

I cant believe it, Glenn Beck finally agrees with me. He is actually on the radio this morning complaining that Bush did not protect the borders in Iraq. Of course Glenn Beck is a complete moron, no not because he now agrees with me, but because he has been signing praise for Bush's war effort so far and Bush said it clearly way back when that he was going to let as many terrorist in to Iraq as he could get so he could fight them there and not here. I was against Bush's fly paper strategy from the beginning, I was against it before he admitted to it, when it was just a theory that we were debating on the blogs. But then he came out and said it clearly. People like Glenn Beck were all for it then they praised the presidents strategy and voted for the man. But now he's finally figured it out. So he's a moron, it took him three years of war to figure it out. What a moroon.


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