Monday, May 15, 2006


"When it comes to losing the information war, we have only ourselves to blame. We do not demand the best from our media, and as a result we allow the media to deceive us. The Washington Times, previously cited here for its excellent coverage of the Captain Furat story, sunk low when it published the May 12th “Inside the Ring” column by Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough. In a story entitled “Pen Pals,” they selectively excerpted an email exchange between Larry DiRita and Joe Galloway. After cutting and pasting the first two of five increasingly lethal exchanges, they summarized and characterized the results as a “draw.” "
Michael Yon
This is an interesting exchange, it sounds like the debates between Strykerdad and myself, but with better penmanship.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and less cursing........

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having read through it, I wonder if Yon is getting enough rest.

3:30 PM  

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