Monday, May 15, 2006

Scrubbed Helo Raid

"We loitered at the south end of Camp Fallujah waiting to start our convoy brief, which would cover our route of travel, contingency plans, and a plethora of other information essential to the conduct of a convoy. However, on this particular day we would begin to face challenges even before the convoy began. It appeared that some type of inclement weather was moving in. On the distant horizon I could make out a dark brown blob, presumably a cloud, that grew increasingly larger with time. As it approached the blob revealed itself to be more of a large wall extending as far as the eye could see in both directions. It even appeared to have terrain features in the form of fingers and draw extending towards us, giving it the appearance more of a living animal than that of a cloud. I watched as it moved ever closer, eventually engulfing a building about 400 meters distant from us. It was at that point my suspicions were confirmed."
Midnight in Iraq


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