Monday, May 15, 2006


A senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources.

....Other sources have told us that phone calls and contacts by reporters for ABC News, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, are being examined as part of a widespread CIA leak investigation.
Political Animal
You see I told you. The Bush administration is using the NSA to track it's political enemies. So I guess we can expect you on our march on Washington like you promised?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean Feds are investigating illegal leaks on matters of national security? I am shocked and saddened........if those who reveal national secrets in the midst of potentially the most dangerous war in our history are considered your 'political' allies, you need to re examine your politics----You must be getting lonely MT, you are just trolling for arguments.
I bwildered.

3:00 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

So you think the NSA is an appropriate agency for the administration to use as an investigative body to trace the media and it's sources? Besides it being illegal and completely unethical it's also a regular tactic of most dictatorships. It's a sure way to lose all the freedoms you now have. Just wait till the Dems' take back the administration and come down on Fox new and Rush and all the rest. What we will end up with is a media that totes the party line of whoever is in power, not unlike the book 1984. You really cant be serious in your defense of this, or you have not thought it through.

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Rush Limbaugh starts revealing matters vital to national security I wouldn't care if the reincarnation of Jimmy Carter is president, I'd want him busted and if the agency best suited to provide the evidence is the NSA, I'll be glad my tax money is being well used by them. You need to think it through----if you really think that investigation of a media outlet complicit in revealing a national secret is a political act, then is the participation in the revelation of that secret by that media source a political act? If that isn't treason, then what is? We aren't talking about finding out which senator is sleeping with his secretary's teenage son, we are talking about vital matters that could prevent real harm to the nation.

8:04 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

First as far as I know it was not ABC that revealed anything it was newsweek and USAToday and the NYT, how did ABC get the blame.
Second it's vital that the public know that the government is spying on our media and on the public.
Third how is national security harmed by the revelation? If it's true that the terrorist were communicating with cells in the US the fact that they now know they are being tracked is going to curtail their activity, they are going to commentate less if at all and so this will help stop thier activity and curtail any plans they may be hatching, and is probably a more effective way to stop them than any data mining was ever going to produce.
Fourth if the administration really believed that this was a legal way to fight the WoT they would have gone to Congress for the authorization. They did not because they knew they would have been laughed out of the meeting.
Fifth I still have not seen that list of the members of Congress that supposedly were informed and authorized this activity. As a matter of fact that list is now the nations closest held secret that not even ABC can get their hands on, as a matter of fact I think even the NSA don't know.

9:48 AM  

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