Tuesday, May 16, 2006


"You know, I saw something in the news today that reinforced my opinion of The War on TerrorĀ® as being a bad joke, and that is the revelation that the US is going to ban arms sales to Venezuela because Venezuela has been labelled as "uncooperative" in The War on TerrorĀ®. Or rather, I should say, as Reuters does, that Venezuela is "uncooperative in the US war on terrorism."

Let's talk about terrorism. What is it exactly? Does terrorism include extrajudicial murder, "disappearances," systematic torture, destruction of civilian villages--at times with the civilians still in the villages--ethnic cleansing and forced deportations? Does terrorism target human rights workers, journalists, and political workers as well as ordinary people? Is the establishment of "psychological warfare operations " and the covert training of fascist paramilitary organizations considered to be terrorism? Is the shooting of children on a playground or on the balcony of their homes acts of terror? Is the brutal beating to death of remand prisoners an act of terror?"


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