Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Port-a-John Graffiti

"Every time Marines go to the field a train of port-a-johns follows in trace. It has been determined that port-a-johns are both more sanitary and more convenient than digging a cat-hole with one’s entrenching-tool. I’ll definitely agree with the “more convenient” part. The sanitation issue is another matter. Regardless, it appears this trend has followed us to OIF, and with it follows those expertly crafted limericks that we all love to hate: port-a-john graffiti."
Midnight in Iraq
There used to be a log dedicated to the graffiti in the john's. One joke that I remember went something like this. "why are you reading this, the joke is in your hand". If I get a chance I'll look for the blog and link it here.


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