Wednesday, May 17, 2006

From the Mail Bag:

Cost of War: Help Us Reach More People

Dear Friend,
Why does 70% of the public feel the Iraq war is not worth the cost?

Because you requested our cost of war data for your town and acted on it. Maybe you wrote a letter to the editor, pushed a resolution through your city council, or educated co-workers and friends. You were not alone; tens of thousands of people used our data and made a difference.

Now we need you. Please support the work of the National Priorities Project. We need to raise $20,000 to provide current data on the financial and human costs of the war to citizens, community groups and the media.

No gift is too small and no gift is too large. You decide how important our information is and give generously now at

We depend on individuals like you to support our work. We receive no funding from the government or corporations.

Thank you for helping us keep our democracy vibrant,
Greg Speeter
Executive Director

p.s. Every dollar you give makes a huge difference and is tax deductible. Please give now at


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