Monday, January 09, 2006

No one cares about Iraqis

"For six days I have been bombarded by relentless coverage of the 12 miners who died in West Virginia.

Fine. It's a tragic loss. Cover it and move on.

But no. In those six days we have been shown hour by hour reports of happiness turned to grief, what the miners ate, what they thought of before they died, how the doctors could have misdiagnosed, how the community is handling it, each and every memorial service, each and every public official make a statement, each and every friend and family member delivering each and every eulogy.

And the minute-by-minute update on the condition of the sole survivor.

On and on and on. CNN showed half a dozen special reports on the issue. And when they weren't doing that, they were epitomizing Ariel Sharon, the Butcher of Beirut, as a courageous man of peace for pulling out of Gaza while his fighter jets bombed the fuck out of it every now and then."
Truth about Iraqis
You know I'm liking this guy more and more every day.


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