Monday, January 09, 2006

Professor pretender

"Juan Cole's postings, often laughable because they are so mistaken, have entered a new realm of weirdness. In a post last week discussing the death of Hussein at Karbala in the 7th century, the event that is behind the split between Shiites and Sunnis because Shiites regarded Hussein as the rightful caliph, Cole asserted the following:

"Just as European Christian mobs sometimes targeted Jews, blaming them for Christ's death, Shiites often blame the Sunni Muslims" for the death of Hiussein.

They do? I was stunned to read such a thing. I have been a Shiite since the moment I was born, and have spent my life among Shiites. I never heard anyone blame Sunnis as a group for the death of Hussein. Nor have I heard of any Shiite who has argued that modern Sunnis share any of the guilt for Hussein's death. Nor am I aware that anyone has ever provoked righteous violence against Sunnis as the murderers of Hussein."


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