Friday, January 06, 2006

Bush calls on critics for help with Iraq policy

"COLIN POWELL said nothing - a silence that spoke volumes to many in the White House on Thursday morning.

His predecessor, Madeleine Albright, a bit stirred up after hearing an exceedingly upbeat 40-minute briefing to 13 former secretaries of state and defence about how well things are going in Iraq, asked President George Bush whether, with the war "taking up all the energy" of his foreign policy team, he had let the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea spin out of control and allowed Latin America and China policy to suffer by neglect.

"I can't let this comment stand," Mr Bush shot back, telling Dr Albright and the rare assembly of her colleagues, who reached back to the Kennedy White House, that his administration "can do more than one thing at a time".

That was, it appears, one of the few heated moments during an unusual effort by the White House to bring some of its critics into the fold and provide a patina of bipartisan common ground to the strategy Mr Bush has laid out in recent weeks for Iraq."
Maybe if Bush would not have waited toll now to seek advise we would not be in the situation we find ourselves today, a dollar short and a day late. But what would I know, I think I fit into that category of people that only criticizes to help stop the war and support world dictators.


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