Monday, December 19, 2005

Election Fever - The Iraqis and Kurds Caught It

"And Remember Voting Is Sexy. Ahhh, So Sexy.

I'm too Sexy for my Vote.
Too Sexy for my Vote.
I'm an Iraqi and Kurd who likes to smoke.

SuperSexy Iraqi Blogger Fay detailed her family's and friend enthusiasm to Get Out The Vote mainly for the Secular Lists:

I just finished talking to my friend in Sydney. She's going to vote for Allawi. BTW, she's Chaldean. That's a good indication on how most Iraqis are voting this time. They aren't voting for candidates based on their ethnic group.

So, Fay's friend Shook Her Kumquats for Allawi. Meanwhile's Fay's Super Sexy Dad Shook His Kumquats for Allawi too, though that may have changed:"


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