Monday, December 19, 2005

Feeling Like the New Guy or You Don't Know What It Feels Like 'Till You're There.

"A lot of guys like to say what they would do when they get to Iraq. I use to say the same thing. I'm sure they really believe what they'll do is what they say. It's too easy to put them down but then you remember you said all the same shit...then you went and you HAD to do it.

Nothing made me braver than years of shit-talking that forced me to back it up. I ran head long into the fire, I made sure I always dismounted the Stryker so I could justify my ex-11B status, I always fired back when I had the chance. I always stacked on the wall for the raid and always got hands on the enemy when they were captured. I managed to justify myself to myself."
Candle in the Dark
This post is a little dated, not sure how it got by me?


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