Sunday, December 18, 2005

Purposely misquoting FISA to defend the Bush Administration

"Defenders of the Bush Administration are resorting to outright distortions and deliberate falsehoods about the Foreign Intelligence Security Act (FISA) in order to argue that the Administration's warrantless eavesdropping on U.S. citizens complies with the mandates of that statute. To do so, they are simply lying -- and that term is used advisedly -- about what FISA says by misquoting the statute in order to make it appear that the Administration’s clearly illegal behavior conforms to the statute."
Unclaimed Territory
Via CounterColumn linked earlier

Update: I found this in the comments at this link

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I lawyer, I almost always cringe when I hear someone say anything political is "well within the law."
After eight years of education, including four years of law school, that may be one of the oly things about the law of which I'm sure.

7:28 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

"the Administration was well with the law."

quotes or links please, references to "them or there" just don't cut it.
and be nice to the guest.

Anonymous, welcome to the blog, please make yourself comfortable.

back to the crimes against US citizens, you don't know why they were tracking or wiretapping people, and why they were doing it out side the FISA court. I sure as hell don't know why either, but you really want me to believe that it was about terrorism? That's what the secret courts are for. The only other thing that comes to mind is a complete disregard for the judicial system that the right wing is always going on about, but that's even worse than going after political enemies. Any problems with the judicial system should be worked out in congress where the power to make those changes resides. If they went around the congress it's even worse, because they would have circumvented two branches of government not just one. Can you say King Gorge the minor

And yes I had a really big problem when Bill Clinton burned down the ranch in wacko. I'm a gun toting democrat, and I did not agree with many things in the last administration. I think you can find me here on the record celebrating the day the republicans let the assault weapon ban expired. Republicans are good for something.

But I don't see how bringing Bill Clinton in to this is going to change the fact that King Gorge trampled the constitution. Is that all you guys got every time King George sticks his foot in it, is to yell CLINTON!!!!
It's geting kind of old.

11:14 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

"think that surveiling people in this country who are found to have been in contact with Bin Zawacowi in Durkistan "

But how were they found, who found them, who? King George, "speedy gonzalez" Is that really enough for you? will it be enough when the next administration does it? You know it's not such a long stretch of the imagination to take a few quotes from Rush Limbaugh and turn it into hate speech, hate speech that could create ethnic and class riots. How would you like it if those decisions were in the hands of the administration that happens to be in residence. Hey we need to protect the public, people could die, you dogs and cats could be in danger.

11:28 PM  
Blogger t'su said...

Cringing when a lawyer speaks is normal. I do, too. I wasn't making any judgements about what you said, B Will.

I'm just saying, if you've got to debate it, it ain't well within the law.

11:38 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

You'll also notice that he contradicted himself, he said that over "there" the great legally gifted had blown my arguments away, but then he came in here and was loath to read anything from a lawyer...
I think this issue is giving Strykerdad gas, maybe he should lie down for a while, take some rest.
The truth is that it give me gas also, albeit for different reasons

1:19 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well just think that right now there're using the "national security" argument to push through drilling in ANWR in a defense appropriations bill. It's an emergency, we must be out of oil. There pulling out all the tricks, modifying the rule and then reinstating back the old rule in the same legislation, all with a straight face and under the guise of "national security". If it was really a national security issue why not tackle the CAFE standard, they could raise that a few points and gain more oil with the stroke of the pen than ANWR will ever produce.
All of a sudden everything is "national security" the soviets were good at that, and so are the Cubans. Security and secrecy are the new model. It's a new day in the US, and the worst part is that we are walking happily into the slaughterhouse like a flock of sheep.

11:21 AM  
Blogger madtom said...

Actually I think we will be OK in south Florida, this is already a separate nation more or less, it's the rest of you I worry about. Just don't ask for any inter library loan book on any sensitive subjects. I wonder how long before we learn that goggle searches are also being monitored, I mean who actually goes to the library anymore?

12:55 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Which reminds me I recently googled "Al- Qods Force"

Google search

Caution click at your own risk, reading this information could result in a "national security" threat and you could wake up "rendered" to a third world country for investigation.

1:11 PM  

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